sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

The Girl and the Fox (animated cartoon)

(Describing past actions)
Dear 8B, 8C, 9B and 9C students:
A. Writing
1. Watch the animated cartoon "The girl and the Fox", by Tyler J. Kupferer.

2. Notice these words. Check the ones you don't know in the dictionary.
- wood hut
- duck
- trail of footprints (trail; footprint)
- lantern
- go into the woods (go into; wood)
- bushes (bush)
- knife
- snow heavily (snow; heavily)
- freeze to death (freeze; death)
- tail
3. Write a text as if you were telling the story and hand it to me for correction. Don't forget to use text organisers and linkers: after that, then, some time later, when, finally; and, but, however, because...
Start your text like this: In a cold winter night, a girl...
Mind: this is extra practice - another opportunity to improve your writing skills and revise the Past Simple. It's not for evaluation!
4. If you prefer, you can comment on the following (use the "comments" box below):
Why did the girl decide not to kill the fox?

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